Welcome to the fabulous and sometimes insane life
of a working mother who is trying hard not to
let her whole existence be determined by her
cute little munchkins, yet continues to be drawn
in by the adorable and sometimes annoying tiny people!
Showing posts with label Perfect Parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perfect Parenting. Show all posts

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Being Cold Has A Whole New Meaning

First of all,  let me comment on the weather. Wow! It was cold last night. It was especially cold to anyone who happened to be sitting at a high school football game. I know it was "perfect football weather". But I really do not enjoy being cold. Plus, the main problem I have is...Where the heck is fall? We went from 90 weather on Monday to 58 degree weather today. Fall is my most favorite season, and I feel jipped (not really sure how to spell that but you get my point). 

So needless to say since I did not have a buffer into the cold, i.e. the Season of Fall, I was not prepared for how freaking cold it was. I know my northern friends are like "really 45 degrees is not cold". Ummm...yes it is! 

Now I tried to prepare. I put on Cuddle Duds and the girls changed into leggings in a, thankfully, clean Loco's bathroom. (Thankfully clean, because we appear to not be able to change clothes without plopping our cute little bottoms on the floor). We each had 2 shirts on and coats. Hats were also donned. Although, I had no hats for the munchkins so their heads appeared to be swallowed by fleece. 

So we are all as bundled up as we are going to get, and we finally sit down after quite a hike through the Americus-Sumter Stadium. This is the point where the cold gets bone chillings as my bottom graces the freezing cold bleacher. Did I mention, I hate being cold. Fortunately for me, there was a very large man sitting in front of me who blocked most of the wind. It was still cold, but  when you are a mama "being cold has a whole new meaning". 

It doesn't matter how cold you are you must sacrifice your warmth, and comfort for that matter, to warm your tiny humans. So through out the entire 3 hour game a munchkin snuggled in my lap. This was quite warm and comfy for about the first 5 minutes and then my back started hurting, my legs went to sleep, and my butt became numb. And so it went for the next 2 hours and 55 minutes, which was so long because apparently the lights at the field got cold too, so they froze up and stopped working putting a delay on the game for a little cold and uncomfortable while. 

However one thing was for certain, I was not cold! Uncomfortable, yes, but cold...not so much. At least not until, something attracted the munchkin away from me and exposed my lap to the frigidness. So apparently, when your a mama being cold has a whole new meannig....it is now also known as... uncomfortable. But I would sacrifice all my comfort and warmth, for that matter, for these cute little munchkins any day! Just next week, we will be much more prepared!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sleep Sweet Sleep

Has anyone ever noticed how hard it is to sleep when children are present in your household? I recently commented on a friend's Facebook status that she should sleep all that she could before she had her baby. I wasn't lying. You literally don't really sleep again for.....heck if I know how long. All I know is that any night you go to bed thinking, "Ooooooh I'll not only get to sleep tonight but get to sleep late." Some little munchkin some where is doing the "Heeeee, heeee, heeeee" laughing knowing very well that they will foil all plans of sleep.

It starts before they even leave the womb. The end of your pregnancy is probably the most uncomfortable you could ever be in your life. Not only has your body exploded in all places, but your bladder has been smushed like a lemon and is constantly leaking causing you to pee 10 times a night. Then there is the horrific heartburn and  heavy belly. Not to mention, the little monkey inside your belly that feels like being wide awake and participating in a prenatal gymnastics class while you are trying to sleep. I really think this last trimester is God's way of readying a new mother for what life will be like for the first few months after delivery: Sleepless!

Then you finally get your kids out of the baby stage, out of the eating every few hours time, and out of  not sleeping through the night, and you think, "Yes, now I can sleep!" ....Heeee, heee, heeeee! Did you hear it? The munchkin laughter. They are laughing because now they are potty training and getting up to pee pee in the middle of the night. Something they appear to not be able to do by themselves until the age of 6 or so. Or they might have night mares involving alligators or ponies or wicked old hags. Whatever the reason it will, I promise you, result in you feeling like an infant yourself. Why? Because you will never sleep all the way through the night again.

I am at my parent's house this weekend. Super excited about having someone else be in charge of my children and someone else cooking my food. Also, stupidly, I was super excited about the prospect of having a good night sleep. Alas, I forgot to listen for the "Heeee, heee, heeee" of munchkin laughter. For that is what they were doing through out the night that I thought I would sleep peacefully through. First the oldest, comes and climbs into bed with me where she proceeds to move and cough (hasn't coughed any time previously or any time since waking up) and move and cough and move and cough. Then there comes a cry from munchkin #2's room, "My bwankie is wone!!!!" Have no fear, mommy to the rescue and she finds the blankie....right beside the munchkin's hand. Then the oldest is up checking the time and to see if Papa is up yet. Not happening at 4:30, dear. Then the kid in my womb, who apparently is plotting with the other two using prenatal brain waves, causes me to get up twice to pee. Then the youngest suddenly has to go "poo poo" and needs me to "wipe her booty". Really? Really!

Finally, finally, praise God, Papa awakes and the munchkins descend to the downstairs area. Ahhhh! Sweet sleep. Finally!... "Heee, heee, heee". Did I forget to mention that we are apparently raising a cheerleader with munchkin #2, and she is able to project her voice so that it echoes not only through Mimi and Papa's house, but throughout any house in a 2 mile radius? Sorry neighbors. But hey that is the one disadvantage of having these loving, amazing, and funny kids. You must say good-bye to sleep sweet sleep for at least ..... heck if I know for how long! Let me know if you ever find out!

Check out the previous video post. Here is a man who feels my pain. I love this song!

Pachelbel Bedtime - SWC Films

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Spanking Really Does Hurt Me More Than You

When I was a kid, my parents rarely conformed to the saying "Spare the rod, spoil the child". It wasn't that we were well behaved (not hoodlums though). It was just that mom had a hard time catching us with the fly swatter that was scatter with the decaying wings and legs of its victims, and I actually think that my father was afraid he would hurt us if he applied the rod (he is a strong man).

My husband and I do not adhere to this same method of parenting. Now before you go calling social services, let me explain our methods. We do not spank our children religiously. We have many different methods that are utilized first before making the decision to use the "rod" (our hands), i.e. talking, timeout, removal of privileges... However, there comes a time when a child needs a good spanking in order to get the message across. These times include those of immediate danger (running out in front of a car or sticking finger into an electrical socket) or those times when you have repeatedly told your child not to do something and have talked yourself blue in the face and the timeout step has been worn out. 

The time to not "spare the rod" came to our household a couple of days ago. Our oldest child got in trouble, again, for putting her hands on someone or in this case two someones. She kicked one boy in the "booty" and hit another boy with her elbow. Now these boys could have very well deserved this treatment, however, we have discussed and timed out over and over again because of her love of putting her hands on other people be it in love, playing, annoyance, or anger. 

Since there were two offenses, I decided the time had come for two spankings. I can only imagine the feeling of dread that filled her cute little stomach (she has the cutest little belly button) all afternoon waiting for her punishment. Finally the time arrived right after bath time, and I bent her over my knee (something I still giggle about until it happens) and applied 3 spanks with my hand to her naked booty. The moment she started crying my heart broke, but I knew this was a lesson that needed to be taught so I persevered. She was over it in less than 1 minute. 

When Brian got home, I informed him that he now had to spank her for the second offense. This would be the first time he had actually spanked her and he was quite uncertain. Alas, he did his duty and got in a good spank. He thought he was done until he caught my disapproving look. At this point he applied one more, be it a much softer, lick which brought on the tears. 

The crazy thing was that the tears were not just from her. At the point of the second spank, my youngest ran into the room screaming at the top of her lungs, "Leave my sissy awone!" She then threw herself between my husband and the culprit. Then the dramatic crying ensued. Not from the victim, but from her protector. They gripped each other and howled with tears. It was the sweetest and funniest thing I have ever seen. You would have thought they both had been beaten with an inch of their existence. If I had been quick enough to get my Flip video camera, there is no doubt we would be rich. The youngest one's crying continued long after the actual victim was over it. I guess now I can truly appreciate the phrase, "This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you."