Welcome to the fabulous and sometimes insane life
of a working mother who is trying hard not to
let her whole existence be determined by her
cute little munchkins, yet continues to be drawn
in by the adorable and sometimes annoying tiny people!

Saturday, March 31, 2012


My sister and I are both trying to lose weight. She has lost a total of over 65 pounds. Can I hear a WOOT! WOOT! for Leslie? She has been working her tail off for quite sometime, and has really helped me in my weight loss journey. Granted, thanks to genes, I did not have near as much weight to lose. I inherited my mothers genes and she inherited my dear father's genes. Therefore, she has had to work much harder! I am so proud of her dedication. I have watched her count out chips and then roll up and put away the bag so she can't get any more. Me...I have a hard time not gorging myself. She is my inspiration! Do it, Sissypants!!

What she has taught me is that everything you put into your mouth counts. That one Hershey's Kiss, that one Lay's potato chips (of course you can't have just one), that one drink, be it a sweet tea, coke, or beer. The drinks or one drink is what inspired this post!

She developed a super delicious, refreshing, and diet concoction. I am calling it Cran-A-Licious! You will love it even if you don't like cranberry juice. 
Passion Fruit or Rasberry Rum, 
Diet Cranberry or Cranberry Promegrante juice, 
Sprite Zero

Place ice in cup. Pour 1 ounce of rum in glass. Pour enough juice in cup to color rum, We usually fill the glass to about half way. Top of the drink with the Sprite. Stir well and enjoy your 60 calorie drink!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

First Pinterest Project

Finally getting around to truly enjoying the benefits of Pinterest. In the last week, I have cooked 2 delicious recipes and created my first craft. My craft was a menu board for my family. I usually have a sheet of paper that I create it on, but this was so much more attractive and kid friendly.

Here is the inspiration:

At the time I started the project, I didn't really realize that I was starting it. THE Wal-Mart had bulletin boards on sale for, like, $5 and I suddenly remembered the menu board.

I cruised through the fabric isle and picked some corresponding fabric. Then I got some iron on letters. I covered the wood part of the board with the corresponding fabric using hot glue. Next I attached the main fabric using a staple gun. I ran ribbon around the edge to cover the staples. I covered index cards with fabric to create the pockets and then ironed on the letters. Finally I attached the index cards using hot glue. I used a peel and stick hook on the side of our cabinets and some ribbon to hang it up.

The girls and I had a great time writing down our favorite recipes, and I had a great time writing down some of the Pinterest recipes that I have been dying to try.

So without further ado, here is the finished product!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Aye! Aye! Captain

For those of you who are not familiar with my family, I want to catch you up a little bit before I begin my story. My husband and I have been married for 11 years and have 3 little girls. Our oldest looks like me but acts like him: extremely level headed and, for the most part, calm. We also have a 10 month old and it is yet to be determined who she looks like or acts like...only time will tell. And then there is our middle child, my diva. She looks just like her daddy but acts just like me: full of energy, dramatic, and loud. 
You can read about her multitude drama in my previous blog posts: Spanking Really Does Hurt Me More Than It Hurts You The Clothing Wars, It's Never Okay to Hit...Or Is It, and At Our Wits End. They are quite entertaining! 
But no matter how dramatic she is and how many fits she has thrown, I have never considered her disrespectful. That is until lately. Lately, she has developed the bad habit of "sucking her teeth" or as some people call it "tsking" when we say something she doesn't like. You know what I am talking about! That little action that is just as bad as rolling your eyes and makes even sane parents almost come unglued with a backhand. Luckily, we are all able to control ourselves ...but  still.

The first time this occurred there was a lengthy discussion about how rude and disrespectful the action was and how we expect better of her. The second time she was sent to time out. The third time, which occurred this afternoon, resulted in her having to repeat the action 25 times. The fourth time happened while we were sitting at the table enjoying Disgusting Yumminess (my latest Pinterest recipe). 

She had been talked to, warned, and punished all to no avail. Now came the time for a (GASP) spanking! Don't judge us! We only use them when there is danger or someone has done something really wrong. Anyway...

My husband informed her that he would be spanking her after dinner, and we continued our meal. She of course started crying (I told you she was dramatic) and was told that if she did not "suck it up" she would get an even bigger spanking. After finishing her dinner, she sat there waiting for the rest of us to finish. Suddenly she raised her hand (I think it is so funny when they forget this isn't school) and said, "Daddy can I go ahead and get my spanking over with?"

So with a giggle in his eyes, he proceed to explain to her what she did and why it was wrong. After he spanked her, she stood up and tried her hardest not to cry and to "suck it up". My oldest and I couldn't help it and started giggling which helped break the ice and helped her not to cry. Then, in true Diva fashion, with a whirl of her Dora night gown, she turned around looked at her daddy, saluted him, and shouted, "Aye! Aye! Captain!"

Lord help us with what is yet to come!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Cute Valentine's

I know this is a little late, but I just wanted to share some cute Valentine's that came through my classroom this year. You could definitely tell the moms who have recently became obsessed with Pinterest. They didn't pass out the regular old Valentines from Wal-Mart!

I loved this one which used chewy hearts and pretzels:

This next one definitely took some planning. I don't think I could think this far in advance, or if I did I don't think I would remember it when the time came around for Valentine's Day!

Even I got creative with my own munchkins' Valentines this year. 
For my 4 year old, I bought 4 packs of bubbles and attached notes to them saying "You 'Blow' me away!". For my 10 month old, I had left over Play Dough from a party and I attached notes to them saying "I love to 'play' with you"! Parents loved them because it was one last piece of paper to "file away" (a.k.a. throw away) and they gave the kids something to do when they got home.

My 7 year old wouldn't let me do something Pinteresty for her and opted for the boring Wal-Mart cards. Of course, once she saw how cool these turned out she wanted to change her mind. Alas, it was too late. Just another example of how her mother will always be right! It would serve her well to learn this lesson now!

Disgusting Yumminess

We tried my first Pinterest recipe tonight! I know, GASP! As addicted as I am to Pinterest, I can't believe this is my first recipe that I have actually tried. And trust me, this mess was so good I will try it over and over and over again.

It is called Crockpot Cubed Steak but I am calling Disgusting Yumminess because it looks so gross, almost like dog food, but it is Oh So Very Good! I am talking lick your plate good...literally had to stop my child from doing this. I did alter the original recipe a little, so here it goes.

Disgusting Yumminess
Cubed Steak (I used a family pack of 6)
2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup (use Fat Free...No one will know!)
1 soup can of milk
1 Envelope of Lipton Onion Soup
Garlic Salt
Seasoning Salt

Place cubed steak in slow cooker. Season with Garlic Salt and Seasoning Salt. Mix 2 cans of soup with 1 can of milk. Pour over steak. Sprinkle Lipton Onion Soup over top, and cook on low for 8-10 hours.

After my family of four dug into it, this was all that was left:
I had planned on having left overs, however, that does not seem to be happening. Next time, I will definitely double, and maybe even triple, the recipe.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Failing as a Parent

There are times where I really feel like I am failing as a parent. One of those times would be right now, at this exact moment, as I sit on the couch typing this blog and surfing Pinterest while my girls play Wii instead of being in Sunday School.

We are really not consistent about going to church. Part of the reason is that we have a baby who is in daycare all day long and the thought of leaving her in the nursery for a couple of hours every Sunday instead of spending time with her breaks my heart. Another reason is that it totally messes up her schedule for the day because she doesn't take a morning nap when we go to church.

Another reason is that in the 7 years we have lived here we have yet to find a church home. We have kind of hopped around from church to church trying each one on to see if it fits. Yet, we seem to find fault with each one.

The truth is...perhaps the fault is with us. In fact, there is no PERHAPS to it. The fault definitely is with us. All of our reasons above are just excuses. Excuses for not doing something that should be as natural as breathing. But because it takes a little effort we make excuses for why we shouldn't go to church.

This week's excuse...we lost an hour and got up late. Well, truth be told no one got up late but me. I slept until the new 9 which was the old 8. Even with the sleeping, though, we could have totally made it to church on time.

This is definitely something we must work on! I want my children to love God. I want them to turn to Him in there times of strife and to trust Him. Most importantly I want Him to live in their hearts and to bless them and keep them safe.

Amazingly, despite our failures as parents, they love Him so much. Their prayers are so precious. And they are constantly talking about God living in their hearts. He is GREAT despite our failures as parents.

Even though we fail to go to church on a consistent basis, I do try to help my children grow in Him. We pray every night before bed and on the way to school. When discussing problems we talk about what Jesus would do, and I try to help integrate Bible verses into our daily lives.

I have been wanting for a long time to do a bible verse a week, and help them to memorize it and apply it to their daily lives. Alas, work, home, babies, laundry...basically excuses have gotten in the way. I have not made it a priority. But today when I was Pinning things instead of being at church I came across ABC bible verses.

This mother did what I have been wanting to do for sometime but have not made a priority. She created one memory verse for each week. She also incorporated into the letters of the alphabet. They are free, so go download them at www.icanteachmychild.com These cards can help fill in the gaps where I fail getting my kids to church and Sunday School.

I promise we are going to get better about going to church. Even though there are many things I am Failing as a Parent, going to church should not be one of them. It is our duty to raise Godly children, and it feels OH SO GOOD! Next week for sure....

Monday, February 27, 2012


Okay! I am the first to admit that I am super clumsy. I mean it takes talent to trip over a flat surfaces and clearly I am swimming in talent, because not only can I trip over flat surfaces but I can also slip out of chairs and accidentally poke myself in the eye...with my own finger. (Seriously, I have done it before!) 
So if all of that takes talent then today I should have been receiving the Oscar award for Best Stunt Actress....except it wasn't a stunt. I wish I had had a stunt woman to replace me this morning and then she would be in pain and not me. 

What had happened was...
It was a cold, dark, and rainy morning. It had been raining for what seemed like years, yet in all actuality was only a couple of days. We were running late...of course, we were running late. What else would we be doing on a Monday morning?

Anyway, as we headed up the perilous steps intothe building. Perilous because there are many of them that are not really all that steep at all but do have varying heights which could confused some of the less coordinated individuals, such as myself, who might venture up them. Point is....they were perilous!

My oldest munchkin asked me a question and I turned to answer her. This was mistake #2. Turning head while walking never results in something good. I have known myself for 34 years now and I should know never to take my eyes off of steps when I am walking. What was mistake #1, you might ask. Walking up the stairs on a cold, dark, and rainy morning.

No sooner had I whipped my head around when I missed a step. Actually, I didn't miss it. I step on it. Well, I step on the edge and my foot slipped and I fell forward. Now this would not have been nearly as bad, had I been able to brace myself. Alas, both of my hands were full. One with a steaming hot, zebra print cup of coffee. Therefore, there was nothing to break my fall as I slammed down onto the extremely hard concrete.

Needless to say, it #&@*ing hurt!!! And I could not help the few profanities that then slipped out of my mouth. I was just thinking how thankful I was that my children were the only ones around when I looked up to see a father coming out of the building. Luckily, I think he was too distracted by the laughing coming from the group of children coming up the stairs behind me to hear.

Once I got inside I ran into my principal, who, when she saw my soaking wet clothes and my limping, informed me that I needed to fill out an accident report. So I followed her to her office where she began to write up the report. When I told her I tripped up the stairs, she started laughing. Seriously?!?!? That made it sooooooo much better!

By the end of the day, the story had made it through half of the school. I could always tell who had heard it by looking at the smile on their face as they passed me in the hallway. Hey, what can I say? I told you I was talented! Talented....with a few scrapes and bruises added in!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Embracing My Talents

I have been teaching for over 12 years. And during those 12 years I have tried everything to get out of it. There has got to be something better to do. Something that can make more money, get more respect, and have more days off! Alas, I have yet to find that "something".

What I have found is that I am quite good at teaching. I don't mean to sound cocky, but I seemed to have a knack for not only teaching but getting kids to learn. I guess it is because I do whatever I can to entertain them because when they are entertained they are engaged and when they are engaged they are enlivened and when they are enlivened they are encourage to perform to their utmost potential.

So I am finished trying to find other things to do. I will no longer try to get out of teaching to write or blog or teach Zumba or paint or opening my own store or ...whatever else I thought could get me more money, more respect, and more days off.

I am Embracing My Talents. I am going to start blogging about teaching and would love you to follow Tricks of the Trade to follow this part of my crazy, insane, but most of the time satisfying life. And if this blogging leads to something more...well...(hopefully) we will cross that bridge when we get there!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Newest Hobby

My husband tells me all the time to try to get us out of debt. He swears with all of my hobbies and "talents" there must be something that can make us millionaires and get us out of teaching permanently. One can only dream!

Anyways...I have dabbled in writing, painting, crafts, DIY projects, couponing, more writing, party planning, song writing, blogging...you get the point. The problem is my ADHD kicks in and I lose interest in whatever project I am involved in.

So what is my latest hobby... CAKES.

I got the urge one day to bake a cake. It was my niece's birthday and I wanted to make the cake. I had never made more than a pound cake and the one time I tried to ice something it was an absolute disaster. But I wanted to try fondant.

I had no clue how to do it, but that is what Google and YouTube is for...RIGHT?!?!

I created a sleep over cake complete with a bed and four sleeping babes. I used pound cake, butter cream, and marshmallow fondant. I used Swiss Cake rolls for the little bodies and rolled fondant for their heads. I painted a piece of cardboard to make a headboard.

A week later it was my parents' birthday. No, I didn't make a grammatical error. They do, in fact, have the same birthday. So I offered to make the cake. This time was definitely better. I did much more research about fondant and the result, whereas not perfect, was too cute and oh so good. 

Next up was the Super Bowl. I stuck with the pound cake but got a little better with the fondant. 

Luckily my 7 year old daughter knew roman numerals!!

My latest creation was for a friend of mine's daughter's 3rd birthday. I used pound cake again except for this time it was homemade. I used Rice Krispie treats to make the Minnie Mouse head. It is definitely not perfect, but with my ADHD impatient self...it might be as close as I can get. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pizza Roll Ups

*Adapted from a recipe I found on Pinterest

2 Cans of Crescent Rolls
Pizza sauce
Pepperoni slices
Mozzarella Cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Parmasean Cheese
Italian Seasoning
Garlic Salt
Red Pepper Flakes

First unroll crescent rolls and pinch together the seams.

Next spread a thin layer of pizza sauce over the crescent rolls.

Layer cheese on top.

Next lay pepperoni slices until they cover the rolls and then sprinkle with seasonings to taste.

Carefully roll them up length wise so that you have a long roll.

Place on grease baking sheet and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Slice, serve, and enjoy.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Number Forms

My teaching style received a major revamp a few years ago when I went through Singapore Math training. Not only did the way I teach math change, but so did the way I thought about math. These principles of understanding the why in numbers does astonishing things to students mathematical minds.

One of the fundamental concepts that students in grades 2-4 must understand is that of Number Forms. Here is my 4 day standard-based unit on PowerPoint that includes songs, interactive lessons, use of manipulatives, videos... Check it out!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Backyard Water Park

Every year, starting in May, the weekend rolls around and we pull out the Slip-n-Slides, sprinklers, and blow up pools. Our children are entertain for hours while we relax and enjoy some frozen beverages. We affectionately call it "The Redneck Water Park".

So when my oldest child turned 7 last year, we decided to put our weekend fun to good use. We threw a party at the "Backyard Water Park". It was so easy and the kids loved it!

First I started with the invite, which I pieced together with things I found online. All though I think I could have drawn it myself (maybe next year).

Then I started planning decorations. Banners, signs, streamers...

I even did a table with beach towels and sunscreen.

Next it was time for the food. We had pigs-in-a-blanket, sandwiches, sausage balls, pretzels sticks dipped in white chocolate, and cupcakes.

I made sponge balls using sponges from the Dollar Tree that I cut up and then put together using rubber bands. The kids had so much fun throwing them at each other. 

These are the best and only water guns I will ever buy. They are from the Dollar Tree and are so super awesome! We have had some fro a few years now. 

Instead of spending a ton of money on party favors I just for these water bottles from .... wait for it....The Dollar Tree and painted the kids names on them. Now they can use them and use them again!

After the set up and clean up, this party was so easy! The kids entertained themselves and we enjoyed their fun. Some of the parents even got involved with the fun!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chicken Delicious

The great thing about this Slow Cooker recipe...you don't have to defrost!

6 boneless skinless chicken breasts
celery salt
Cream of Celery soup
Cream of Mushroom soup
1/3 cup Sherry
Shredded Parmesan cheese

Place chicken in slow cooker. Season with salt, pepper, paprika, and celery salt to taste. In a separate bowl, mix together soups and Sherry. Pour over chicken and then sprinkle cheese on top. Cook on low for 8-10 hours. Break apart chicken and serve over rice.

*This made enough for two nights. For the second night, I put the chicken and sauce into a baking dish and sprinkle with cheddar cheese. I swear it was better the second night.

Learning Place Value

I don't normally blog about teaching. In fact most of my career has been spent trying to find something else to do that makes more money and makes less stress and earns more respect.

But as I have come into my own over the last 12 years, I have come to find the enjoyment in teaching. And that enjoyment comes from engaging and encouraging the children that I love...the children that I consider my own.

I have also become quite creative and resourceful, especially with PowerPoint presentations and songs. And when I graduated recently with my Educational Specialist degree in Instructional Technology and Design, it was with a thorough understanding of the importance of incorporating technology into student learning.

I now put every unit I teach into a 3-5 day PowerPoint unit complete with songs, videos, games, interactive manipulatives, proven teaching strategies, test practice and tons of graphics and animations.

My husband has been on me for a long time about trying to make money off of my creativeness. I have started so many books about everything from teaching to couponing to reasons for hating teaching...all of which sit on my computer unfinished. (My ADD tends to really get in the way sometimes.)

So when I discovered TeachersPayTeachers I thought I would try it out. Why not get paid for all of this hard work?

I posted my first PowerPoint presentation yesterday for free, and now I am just waiting to see if it will get enough hits to be worth paying the $59.99 it costs for a membership.

Learning about and understanding Place Value is the most important concept students can accomplish in elementary school. Everything revolves around it. The PowerPoint is more than just a presentation. It is a 4 day standards based unit that incorporates Singapore Math teaching strategies while providing concrete examples with interactive manipulatives and standardized test practice.
Here is a little preview. To see and download the whole unit on PowerPoint please visit my TPT store.